Womens self defense center-WSDC, is an initiative of Shri Aaditya Thackeray & Shihan Akshay Kumar, the center imparts self defense training to women of any age free of cost.


Training women of today to face the challenges of tomorrow. Empowering women to a life of dignity & self respect through self defense.


Shri Aaditya Thackeray
Shri Aaditya Uddhav Thackeray, president of the yuva sena, avid sports man, poet, writer, photographer, social worker and a great human being, has been the greatest pillar of support for theWSDC, his keen observation to minute detail and support to the cause of women has made the WSDC what it is today, his philosophy of development first, politics later has shaped many success stories in Maharashtra including that of WSDC.

Shihan Akshay Kumar
What most people know is that Akshay Kumar is one of the biggest super stars of bollywood and the greatest action hero of India, but what many of us don't know is that he is a 6th degree black belt in Go Ju Ryu Karate from Japan, and holds the title of Shihan- Teachers Teacher,he has, long been nurturing the dream of a Martial Arts university the first of its kind in India, and WSDC lays the foundation stone to that dream, in 2009 he founded the worlds biggest Martial Arts tournament, The Akshay Kumar Kudo tournament where, over 5000 students from all over India take part,their stay,food,participation is completely free of cost sponsored by Shihan Akshay Kumar, September 2014 will see the 6th edition of the tournament.

Akshay Kumar formed the WSDC, so that women and girls from all strata of life can train in self defense free of cost and can walk with their heads held high without the constant fear of violence & abuse that grips women in India.

Shihan Akshay Kumar feels that Martial Arts training should be made compulsory in every school, so that India will have a warrior in every house, he credits his achievements in life to his discipline and training in Martial arts.

Director & Chief Instructor

Soshihan Mehul Vora VII Degree black belt from Japan and a professional martial artist who has trained over 5,00,000/- men , women,children & security forces till date, he is the proud recipient of a letter of commendation given by the Honorable Al Gore former vice president USA for rescuing American citizens during the tragic Mumbai terror attacks of 26/11.